Jack Mongoose

Robo Kitten Rice Candy #1

An NFT Collectors Puzzle. Bring the Universe to Heel

I will live forever, or die trying


Mind is Meat is Machine

The Euphoric Exaltation of the Divine Purge

The world killer, the burial Id, the straight jacket

R.E. Brown Art Black Door

The Black Door Series

We will all walk through...

Yeah it's a mash up, but that counts too.

Robert Eric Brown

Court of the Animal Gods

An attempt at grasping the greater phantoms of peripheral meaning as told by Jack Mongoose

The rise of the hyper dense photo-montage

The art of Robert E. Brown

Pedestrian Prison

A reflection on lost love and childhood naïveté during a period of licking wounds

The solidification of a canon and style

the art of R.E. Brown

Damn the Patterson Girls

Where others fear, there is treasure

Early prints and merchandising
