Art Journal

The Perfect Canvas for Gaia


This scene is always broken up between the street wise graffiti purists who learn their skills with hard knocks and the formally educated muralists. I don’t know Gaia, but my suspicion is that he is somewhere in between. I don’t know too many hood taggers who have received  a Fulbright, but Gaia’s work speaks to authentic exposure to street life and culture.

Public spaces are perfect canvas for guys like Gaia.

Thoroughbred illustrators are often meat grinder shit out into the sad sea of Etsy and other “how do I utilize my skill set” dead ends for the degree clutching creatively doomed. But street art is a real world application where technical skill and flights of fancy can be indulged and appreciated in a meaningful utilitarian way.

-Jack Mongoose

Gaia’s Portfolio

Article by Jack Mongoose

I light candles to my holy trinity, Marcel Duchamp, Iggy Pop & William Burroughs. Father, Son, Holy Ghost. I pray to Johnny Rotten (Or Malcolm Mclaren, whoever you believe) I pray to Andy Warhol (Or Andy Kauffman, whoever you believe) I flog myself in the name of Arturo the Aqua Boy because in the end, nothing is ever enough.